Home Care Services and Support
Personal care

We will always be professional, confidential, and respectful when assisting with toileting, bathing, and dressing. Our personal care can cover many things, for example; showering, continence care, oral hygiene, stoma care and toileting, we will also change bedding if required.
We know how this can be a very daunting experience for some people, so we will make sure you are at ease at all times. We will ensure that you are appropriately clothed. Our person-centred care plans are about you and how you would like to live your life.

We want to make sure that correct and safe administration of medication is undertaken. We know how medication is important to your health and well-being. Here at Ivy Grace Home Care we can give, medication assistance, prompt, self-administer, and administer. We can also apply prescription creams if required. We can install eye, nose, and ear drops,
We will give timely prompts for your medication needs and to make sure you are drinking enough. We do a 15 min call just for checking your wellness needs. All our staff have medication training and renewed often.

Meal Preparation
We can assisted we all aspects of hydration and nutrition. From a microwave meal to cooking a meal. Preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner of your choice and how you like to eat it.
We can support you with cooking and baking.
All our staff have undertaken a food hygiene course. This allows them to understand infection control.
We can assist in planning meals you would like and make a shopping list.

We will take you shopping or we can go shopping for you. We can support you to make a shopping list.
If we are shopping for you, we will have a financial sheet in your personalised folder. The care worker will record the money received and you will both sign it. Once they are back from shopping with the receipt you will both check it and sign the financial sheet with the change given. This is then checked by office staff monthly. Our staff have business insurance on their vehicles allowing them to take clients out.
We can also bring you shopping in. If you have ran out of milk, ask your care worker if they could bring some with them later, or ring office, and we will get them to pick some up for you on the way to your visit.

We offer companionship calls. We will sit and have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. We can play board games, or puzzles. We will do any duration you would like. We like to think that we can break up the day by just having a care worker to pop in for a while.
We also support family carers at home. We understand that caring for someone, day in day out can take its toll, and everyone needs a break. Let us help you by offering respite care. Knowing that someone experienced is looking after your loved one, gives you piece of mind while you get some time to do what you want to do. This can be for as long and frequent as you like. A chance to get out the house, meet up with friends, go on a outing, go shopping, or just to sit and relax.

We provide support with housework. This can involve hoovering, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and Kitchen, mopping floors. We can assist with washing up and just maintaining the cleanness of your home, along with helping with your laundry, hanging it out and ironing.
Anything you like done around your home, we may be able to help with.

We can provide support to appointments, i.e. doctors, hospital, eye and hearing appointments. We will also take our clients to appointments for the hair dressers or day centres and clubs.
Our staff can accompany to your appointments or just drop you off and wait in the car. Our staff have business insurance on their vehicles to allow them to take you out.
Pet Care

We understand that pets are family and we can assist with your pet care by support with walking, feeding, transport to vets or groomers. We can assist with toileting needs, e.g. Litter Trays.
Dementia care
Dementia is a progressive condition that affects the brain. It can show itself in a number of ways. E.G. Communication problems and memory loss, Confusion and understanding.
We will write a personalised care plan, that will include everything about you. It will identify your needs and wants and what you would like from us.
All our staff are Dementia trained, so will understand the needs of the service user and the family involved.
People with Dementia like to be in familiar surroundings as it can help them cope better, so with support from us, this is what we would like to achieve.
There are a number of charities that offer support and advice, some of these being-
Click the names to go to their websites. Opens in new window.
Palliative and End of life care
We at Ivy Grace Home Care understand that palliative care can be an upsetting and difficult experience for all families and loved ones.
We will provide palliative care to those, including cancer and other conditions that require a unique level of care.
Ivy Grace Home Care will offer advanced care planning with the aim of co-designing care plans that reflect individual preferences and priorities of both the member and their family. We will work closely with the specialist nurses and doctors so you can remain in your own home.
Ivy Grace Home Care will offer comfort and support for people living with severe illnesses or those coming to the end of their life. The aim is to make the individual as comfortable as possible while supporting the emotional and spiritual needs of service users, family and friends.